About Us

About Us

How It All Began

Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Deacon Ken Gay. I was raised in the Southern Baptist church in the western suburbs of Chicago, at eighteen I started to ask questions about my Baptist faith and about the Catholic faith. By twenty-one I converted to the one true Catholic and Apostolic Church.

In the spring of 2003 I went on a Catholic men’s retreat that would start me on a path of new discovery, and study of our rich Catholic faith. And in September of 2016, I was ordained a permanent deacon in the Diocese of Rockford, IL.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my role as a deacon. This is the start of what I pray will be a long and fruitful journey. Serving the parishioners of Annunciation parish has been extremely rewarding, more so than I could have ever imagined. Through their continued support and encouragement, and that of my Pastor and mentor I pray for continued growth and development in my role as a disciple of Christ.

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